Thursday 21 February, 2013

Mall differentiation

We carry out nonparametric tests of five hypotheses regarding shopping centre similarity. The results yield evidence of (i) shopping centre similarity (in store brands) across geographic markets for certain store types, (ii) store brand proliferation within shopping centres by multichain retailers that operate stores catering to comparison shoppers, (iii) greater similarity between malls in store types that are dominated by multichain developers , and (iv) greater similarity (in store brands) of malls owned by the same developers  than of malls owned by different developers. Shopping in India  has undergone a drastic transformation over the past two decades. Not only have product ranges expanded, but the modest boutiques and nondescript bargain basement-type stores that characterized shopping districts in the past have given way to new thinking due to drastic changes in  Indian shopping mall physical surroundings ,crowdedness, location, lighting, and interior design on consumers' emotional states and buying intentions

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